Woman of Steel with Sunny Lawrence
by Host Lisa Helton
July 11th, 2023
July 11th, 2023
Hold on to your cycling shorts, my friends, because in this episode of Woman of Steel we're shining a spotlight on the incredible Sunny Lawrence, the woman who's been keeping the Iron Cowboy's gears turning smoothly all along
James "Iron Cowboy" Lawrence, the legendary endurance athlete who conquered 50 ironmans in 50 states in 50 consecutive days (yeah, you heard that right!). and then if that wasn’t enough went on to do 100 ironmans in 100 consecutive days. While James was out there capturing headlines and pushing the limits of human endurance, Sunny was the secret weapon in his corner, making sure he had clean socks and a healthy dose of motivation, while also taking care of her 5 children, crew and even driving the bus to their next destination.
We'll explore how Sunny's unyielding support and razor-sharp wit have helped the Iron Cowboy stay on track throughout his grueling challenges. From packing countless protein bars to cheering him on with witty signs during races, Sunny's been the ultimate behind-the-scenes hero.
But there's more to Sunny than meets the eye. We'll unveil her own incredible journey as a resilient athlete, entrepreneur, and mother of five (seriously, how does she do it?). From conquering marathons to public speaking, she's a force to be reckoned with in her own right.
In this episode, you can expect pep talk and straight talk and a whole lot of admiration for Sunny Lawrence. James may be the Iron Cowboy, but she’s the Woman of Steel.
Grab your waterproof headphones because we of course fully expect you to be listening to this episode while riding a bike, running or swimming.
The Iron Cowboy documentary about the 50/50/50 is available on Prime TV. Documentary about the 100 is coming soon.
Sunny records a daily video in her closet during her experience with the 100 Ironmans in 100 days. Check out her Instagram Reels.
"You want time for yourself. Make it happen. Stop blaming everybody else. My kids won't let me have time. My husband won't take me away. We don't have any money! Dude. I trumped every one of those excuses for 10 years of our lives. Don't make excuses, don't assume it's easy for everybody.
You want it. Make it happen!!!" 31:37
"She has a college degree from Utah Valley University in the field of Psychology, which is right where she grew up. There, she met and married James in December 2000. They have four daughters, and one son. She has always loved being a mom, as well as James’ #1 supporter through all of his accomplishments.
She has been an athlete for all her life. Her current athletic passions are mountain biking, pickleball, running, cycling, and dabbling in golf. Her perfect day is wandering in the mountains, taking in the energy of the earth and feasting on its beauty."
She has been an athlete for all her life. Her current athletic passions are mountain biking, pickleball, running, cycling, and dabbling in golf. Her perfect day is wandering in the mountains, taking in the energy of the earth and feasting on its beauty."
"Spend time with people who are different than you and have different points of view and perspectives and always take feedback." |